would you rather questions relationships sorted by


63 Flirty Would You Rather Questions

When you want to play it safe, these are the questions for you.

99 Best Would You Rather Questions (Intriguing and fun questions to ask)

Would you rather have a homemade dinner or a special candlelight dinner at a restaurant? Here are 7 flirty would you rather first date questions: 23.

99 Best Would You Rather Questions (Intriguing and fun questions to ask)

Would you rather order take-out or go to a fancy restaurant? Would you rather have s x with someone or watch them having it? Which does your significant other prefer? Her options are limited to having another chat later.

The Ultimate List of Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Would you rather be the absolute best at something that no one takes seriously or be average at something but well respected? How would your partner prefer to contribute? Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or everyone you know to have access to your internet history? Would you rather cuddle every day or shower together every day? Would you rather never eat pasta again or never eat cheese again? Is beauty really only skin deep? Researchers at Florida University used "would you rather" questions for a , investigating how far people would go to protect their reputation.

99 Best Would You Rather Questions (Intriguing and fun questions to ask)

Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken? All the chats on your phone became public — or all the pictures? Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors locked or unlocked or not be able to close any open doors? Would you rather have an ice cream cake or a bakery cake? Would you rather have our parents walk in on us in action or we walk in on our parents? Use a dirty public toilet or find an accommodating bush on the open road? However, coming up with fun would you rather questions for your boyfriend could be a bit tasking.


Would you rather have a boyfriend with an extremely big member that hurts most of the times or one with a very small one that barely makes you feel inside of you? If he would rather play the field, then the future does not look very good for your relationship.

40 Flirty Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Guy

Would you rather get a massage from me or by a professional at a salon? Would you rather be able to think and not talk at all, or be able to talk without thinking at all? Would you rather we do it more in the morning when we wake up or in the evening before we sleep? Would you rather we talk in a romantic way and laugh together for hours prior to s x or we cuddle quietly for hours before doing it? Jealousy is a hot button issue in many relationships.

40 Flirty Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Guy

Would you rather permanently solve all of your financial issues, health issues or love issues? For some girls—and some guys— that's a territory you want to avoid.

97 Would You Rather Questions for Couples

Lose your home to a fire or get fired from your job? Would you rather have five children and less money or no children and more money? Would you rather go 7 years back in time or 700 years forward? I would watch a TV show based on either power.

97 Would You Rather Questions for Couples

Have a roommate with a pet python or live in an apartment infested with non-venomous spiders the jumping kind? Would you rather feel like you know your partner better than anyone or feel like they surprise you every day? Would you rather be romantic or kinky? Would you rather sit blindfolded to watch your favorite movie or sit with a closed mouth at your favorite food joint? This question can uncover what your significant other finds truly valuable.

99 Best Would You Rather Questions (Intriguing and fun questions to ask)

Would you rather go on a date with a fictional tv show character or a book character, who? Never use social media again or never watch another movie? Would you rather a scorpion bit your nose or tongue? Would you rather know what time it is without a clock or always know exactly where you are without a map? Would you rather date someone from a different race or same race as you? Would you rather live in a studio apartment in a big city or a mansion in the countryside? Here are 15 would you rather conversation starters for couples: 1.

90+ Fun Would You Rather Questions For Your Boyfriend — WYRQ

Would you rather be very smart or very athletic? Would you rather go into combat and die young or have a good life and avoid war? Would you rather receive or give an oral? Would you rather wear jeans one size too small or shoes two sizes too big? Would you rather go to the moon or fly around the world? Would you rather be in love with someone who was obsessed with animals or hated them? Would you rather be loved for who you are not or hated for who you are but at least people know the real you? Would you rather have to kiss every person you meet or never kiss your partner again? An ex is the easy answer because you have been with them before, so it is easier to make that transition again.