questions to ask a new lover sorted by


101 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

What was your favorite cartoon as a child? If you had a choice between having a tail or losing a leg, which would you choose? Do you prefer thoughtful gifts or something more practical? Can you afford to feed a dinosaur? Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? It might take a lifetime to understand what is love and it might just take a second for you found a good enough person who can show you the meaning of love.

200 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

You should let your boyfriend see the real you — and since some guys have trouble opening up, you should ask him plenty of questions to get to know him better, too.

101 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

What are some of your long-term goals? How many times a day do you look in the mirror? What is a romantic fantasy of yours? Talk about hobbies with people.

160+ Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend to Make Him Smile [2020]

If you could switch genders for a length of time of your choosing, would you? You can memorize your favorites, or simply pull them up on your phone as needed.

250 Good Questions

Honesty is the foundation of relationships.

160+ Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend to Make Him Smile [2020]

What do you wish you could change about yourself? What names were ruined for you because you knew someone terrible with that name? And you can do this through date night! When was the last time you were really, really wrong about something? Who you're with and where you are make a huge difference in choosing the right questions to ask.

101 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

If I had a life-changing career opportunity across the country, would you pack up your life and move with me? Have you ever eaten a bug? The dependent stage During this first stage, partners come to depend upon each other for emotional support, assistance with parenting, sexual intimacy, and finances.

52 Romantic Questions For Getting to Know Your Partner Better

Because if you two ever move in together, those annoying habits will go from cute to frustrating real quick.

57 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

What's the most unflattering school picture of you? What is the worst song lyric you have ever heard? What would you do first if you gained the ability to fly? When was a time that you thought you knew someone, but they turned out to be an entirely different person? Which of you is pro at fixing things in the house? If your life was a book, what would this chapter be called? What is your biggest turn-on? Would you stay with me if you found out I was? How did I fit with this type? Dwell on the answers, and trade takes.

200 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

What have you learned today? It doesn't matter how many questions you have to ask if you're not actively paying attention to the answers.

160+ Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend to Make Him Smile [2020]

Would you rather me cook you breakfast in bed or a candlelit dinner? Does the majority have it tough or are things just fine? Understanding why their last relationship ended can show you what the deal breakers are for your partner.